> 玻璃大全 > 擦玻璃的英文怎么读?




擦玻璃 [动] wipe glass; wipe window panes; [例句]我们之中三人扫地拖地板,其余的人擦玻璃。 Three of us sweep and mop the floor and the remainder clean the wind... 擦玻璃 [动] wipe glass; wipe window panes; [例句]我们之中三人扫地拖地板,其余的人擦玻璃。 Three of us sweep and mop the floor and the remainder clean the wind... [动] wipe glass; wipe window panes; [例句]我们之中三人扫地拖地板,其余的人擦玻璃。 Three of us sweep and mop the floor and the remainder clean the window.

擦玻璃用英文怎样写? - 雨露学习互助

clean the glass

擦玻璃,用英语怎么写 - 雨露学习互助

wipe glass

擦玻璃用英语 - 雨露学习互助

wipe the glass

英文怎么写?我们能用毛巾擦玻璃? - 懂得

wecanusetowelstowipetheglass .在英语中,使用某物做某事可以用usesthtodosth来表达,所以此句子可以翻译成Wecanusetowelstowipeglasses.


wipe off the glass. clean the glass.

擦玻璃用第三人称单数写句子,再改成否定句用... - 雨露学习互助

He is cleaning glass.He is not cleaning galss. He is clean He is cleans window

traffic lights英文怎么读?

traffic lights 读音: 英 [ˈtræfɪk laɪts] 美 [ˈtræfɪk laɪts] 意思:交通信号灯。在十字路口,四面都悬挂着红、黄、绿、三色交通信号灯,它是不出... 1868年,英国机械工程师纳伊特在伦敦威斯敏斯特区的议会大厦前的广场上,安装了世界上最早的煤气红绿灯。它由红绿两以旋转式方形玻璃提灯组成,红色表示“停止”,绿色表示... 红外线红绿灯当行人踏上对压力敏感的路面时,它就能察觉到有人要过马路,红外光束能把信号灯的红灯延长一段时间,推迟汽车放行,以免发生交通事故 带控制的红绿灯,一种是把压力探测器安在地。


【答案】 mirror 英[ˈmirə] 美[ˈmɪrɚ] 过去式:mirrored 过去分词:mirrored 现在分词:mirroring 复数:mirrors n. 1.镜子 2.写照,反映某种情况的事物 3.反光镜,... 【答案】 mirror 英[ˈmirə] 美[ˈmɪrɚ] 过去式:mirrored 过去分词:mirrored 现在分词:mirroring 复数:mirrors n. 1.镜子 2.写照,反映某种情况的事物 3.反光镜,... mirror 英[ˈmirə] 美[ˈmɪrɚ] 过去式:mirrored 过去分词:mirrored 现在分词:mirroring 复数:mirrors n. 1.镜子 2.写照,反映某种情况的事物 3.反光镜。

英语翻译如下;今天我帮妈妈擦布玻璃,有一种新... - 雨露学习互助

I helped the mother the rag glass today,there was a kind of new dish cloth to wipe thing very clean,I wiped with this kind of dish cloth very clean.The mother c... I helped the mother the rag glass today,there was a kind of new dish cloth to wipe thing very clean,I wiped with this kind of dish cloth very clean.The mother c... the mother the rag glass today,there was a kind of new dish cloth to wipe thing very clean,I wiped with this kind of dish cloth very clean.The mother cr。
